Saturday, January 30, 2016

Ethical Hacking Assignment # 1

Anonymous has the capability to expose any person, persons, organizations, or government around the world, and so far they have not tried to harm innocent civilians, but targeted corruption and taken down several child pornography sites. Anonymous is fighting for the freedom of free speech in a country that has it written in the First Amendment that the Congress will allow the freedom of religion, speech, press, right of people to assemble peacefully, and petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Anonymous gathered a rally for Michael Brown who was a victim of police brutality. They fought against Internet Censorship by exposing the video of Tom Cruise talking positively about the Church of Scientology. There was a struggle to keep taking down the video, and it kept getting posted because Anonymous believed that they had the freedom of speech and this was an "abuse of copyright law." Anonymous is global. Anonymous used hacking for the good of the LBGT community of Uganda in 2012, where they expressed their contempt for the treatment of the LBGT people on the Ugandan prime minister's site when the anti-homosexuality law was placed. They encouraged the North Korean citizens to rebel against the corrupt government. They also made a joke out of ISIS by posting Viagra commercial on their site and took it down. They have power, and they have the capability to successfully make the government their victim, as well as the ISIS, imagine what they could do to vulnerable civilians on the Internet? Their job is to help people realize their rights and rebel against corruption and oppression. George Orwell's book 1984 has predicted today. Big Brother is watching us with wiretapping, keeping call databases, and data mining by the National Security Agency. The poor people are kept poor with constant pointless wars that are just expanding into several countries in the Middle East. People are kept under control as long as they are given distractions such as food, water, pornography, alcohol, and this media that brainwashes us. Anonymous is using technology as power in order to fight against all of this. The Church of Scientology believes that there were aliens and there is a long Star Wars like-story which was formulated by Hubbard. Tom Cruise made a statement in a video that Church of Scientology was helping addicts get off drugs, as well as expressing his love for the Church. This video was posted by Anonymous, and they played several pranks on the Church, such as sending disliked pizza and service of denial attacks. This cult that claimed to be a "Church" was the one that was responsible for deaths, mental disorder, brainwashing, and the rise of crimes. The members of the Church were tortured, humiliated, and many of them committed suicides from depression. In my opinion, Anonymous did not harm or threaten anyone's life, they were trying to make their voice heard and expose the crimes of the people in the Church.

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