Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Ethics Assignment (due Feb. 1)

You've watched the documentary "We Are Legion", about Anonymous.  Please select a case referenced in the documentary and analyze it.  You might choose, for instance, the DDoS against Lufthansa in 2001, the response to Hal Turner's radio show, Operation Chanology (Scientology), Operation Titstorm (Australia's government), Operation Payback (Wikileaks/Mastercard/Paypal), Anonymous' involvement in resistance in Tunisia, their response to the Sony PlayStation incident, or something else you saw in the documentary.  You'll probably need to do a little Google research to learn more about the case you have selected.

In your post, briefly summarize the situation, and then stake a claim: were the actions of Anonymous right or wrong?  Explain your reasoning: why or why not?

Make your post no later than 9pm on Monday, February 1.  Between 9pm on Monday and when class begins on Tuesday afternoon, read your classmates' posts, and come to class ready to discuss them.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Anonymous practiced both harassment, but also data theft, which they then openly circulate to cause financial injury, and in other cases they steal private images and video and circulate to the open network. But these are fairly technical often involving a sole hacker, and very small group of hackers, and claim an association with Anonymous to enhance their "street credibility"
