Saturday, February 23, 2013

Weekly hack-mission for 2/11. M.O

This weeks hack was "Take a picture of a classmates license plate".

I was, at first, ready to follow through with this task and stalked an unsuspecting classmate  through the main exit where I watched them board the T.

I went back to slink around outside the classroom to wait for my next mark!

I soon started to question the virtue of my mission as a twinge of discomfort set in - realizing I was being rather stalkery. But, looking back I would have gone through with the  assignment if my classmates didn't spend a lifetime in the computer lab.

Mission failed. But hey, I tried. Does anyone in this class even drive to campus?



  1. Speaking from experience, a TON of people take the T to and from school. At what point did you decide on your mark? This hack gets low marks in my book because you could have located a sure fire mark easily in class. Something like, "anyone who drives know what color the parking sticker is this semester?" could have provided a good target.

  2. ahhh, nice. I didn't even think about that. Maybe I should be more obvious about it next time.

  3. Nice attempt. No points for failure, but no loss either since you weren't technically foiled on purpose.

  4. Well done! No points, but no loss, and kudos for your engagement! And nice job commenting, Capn Crunch.
