Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Get someone to hand you an unlocked phone

Out of all the challenges that I've had thus far, this was easily the one that was simplest to accomplish.  I simply walked up to multiple people and said that my phone had died, and I needed to make a brief call.  Out of 10 people that I tried it with, 8 of them unlocked their phones and handed it to me, 1 didn't have a password on their phone and handed it to me, and the last did not have any minutes left on their monthly plan and would not let me use their phone.  To test the limits of their humanity, I told them that my wife was pregnant (absolutely untrue) and that she was supposed to be in labor any minute.  She thought about it for about 10 seconds and still denied me the phone with a guilty look on her face. I was considering offering her money to cover the overage, but I felt guilty enough having conned her and making her feel awkward and uncomfortable.

1 comment:

  1. Nice hack. And I really enjoy that you tried to push the boundaries. You are embracing the spirit of the game and really learning. I will give you 5 points for this hack because you pushed it that extra step.
