Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Get someone's password.

Hey everyone,
My name is Mr. Badman Thief.

I have this friend of mine who i tricked into getting her yahoo login ID and password. I told her that i have some good contacts with employers that i initiated recently. I promised to link her to them, so that she could find her self a better paying job.
I told her to give me her email address so that when i go to talk to the employers, i could e-mail her the details.
after two days, i called her on her cell phone and i told her that i was actually talkin  with the employers, but for some reason, i was not able to send the details to her, some technical issues could not allow me to send e-mail to her.
I therefore told her to give me her password so i could directly put stuff in her inbox, and guess what, she obliged.
 The shocker though was, when i tested it with her face book account, i was able to login too.
That was pretty cool.


  1. Considering that the information you promised was relating to a better paying job, I can see how she gave out the information. Who doesn't want a better job?

    The real issue is using the same password for multiple sites. If the password worked for her Facebook, why not her online banking? Using even a slightly different password would REALLY minimize damage to her identity.

  2. Good thinking! We do frequently use the same passwords and usernames across accounts. Please tell your friend to change her passwords and ensure she uses different ones across accounts. How many points is this worth all????

  3. well played. taking advantage of the poor job market to extort sensitive information out of an unsuspecting friend is pretty sneaky. I rank this an A+ - "Would buy from again."

  4. Good! I give this hack a 5 as a medium level hack.
