Monday, February 25, 2013

Get _____'s Mother's Maiden Name

The person involved in this hack shall remain nameless because I'm still not aware of their class alias. This was one of two big problems I had with this hack. The second was the fairly personal bit of information I was to acquire. Even if I was able to engage this person in an extended conversation, I honestly couldn't dream up how to get around to extracting this tidbit.

My solution to the first problem was to E-mail their BHCC E-mail address. Many thanks to Mr. Pinkish for telling me about the smart phone app Mox. Somehow this app, using your bhcc credentials, allows you to access class rosters.

In the end I decided to simply ask for the information. I did this in the form of a user agreement. We all do this with companies in regards to our personal information. I believe the common naming convention is "EULA" for "End User License Agreement". Basically, you agree to provide information to a company which will us it for various purposes, and they agree not to sell or mis-use it.

I have not gotten a reply from our classmate yet, so I'm going to call this hack a failure. I really wish this had succeeded though because it could be a basis for working together during the semester.


  1. Interesting attempt. I do like seeing your social engineering problem solving skills advance. No points for a failed hack, but it doesn't appear to be intentionally thwarted, so no points lost......unless the target can tell us they intentionally thwarted the attack????? Anyone out there?

  2. I feel like telling people about this MOX app might be a hack in itself...nice.

    I like the EULA idea. However, it's mainly to keep people from misusing, duplicating or otherwise messing with copyrighted software.
    Here's some info:

    I still say an A- though. Because of the ingenuity of getting someone's school email, and the potential of future hack with mox.

    1. Yeah EULA was something of a misnomer. Maybe a "service agreement"? You get the idea though.

      I debated posting the information about Mox, but honestly this game isn't going to be any fun if we all don't share a little bit.

  3. Nice attempt at this! No points awarded, but you are earning your grade by attempting the hacks!
