Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Social Engineering Game task for 02/19/13 from PreMieR CyAn

This is my task for last week to take a picture of someone's email inbox. Last friday, I spent time in computer lab at BHCC for a while, but it hard for me to do it. After that I came back to class to see if someone checking the email inbox. Finally, I found. I took this photo while I was talking with him.


  1. Great job on completing the hack! I do have an issue with the picture however. The goal would be to snap a pic that you could gain information from. I can't zoom in far enough to read anything......Is the picture took a higher resolution?

    Given the above, I still say this is A grade work.

  2. Nice job! This is an easy hack in my estimation. You earn 2 points.
