Thursday, February 28, 2013

Find some one to lend you a dollar.

Hallo buddies,
I found this rather an easy do. I engaged Premier Cyan into a conversation shortly after class. I was a little bit skeptical about telling him to lend me a dollar, just incase we had the same social engineering challenge. Well, i took a bold step and i was like, Maaan, do you have a dollar bill on you please so that i can grab a drink at the vending machine. I will pay you up when we meet next in class. He was like, sure, i think i do. At the end of the day, he had coins that didn't add up to a dollar, but he went ahead n gave them to me.
Thank you Premier Cyan. I have your coins buddy.


  1. Man what an easy hack you lucky dog! My grade: a B. You completed the hack, but you asked someone you know for the money. Your chance of success are higher, but diffuculty is lower.

    1. Actually, i need to correct the title. It should read, " Find a classmate to lend you a dollar".

  2. Nice job. This is a bit harder of a hack because it was focused on a fellow student who should be guarding against it....however this sounds like an easy hack for you. As such I award you 2 points.
