Tuesday, February 26, 2013


This was not one of my challenges, but I found the sucess of it satidfying none the less.
I have been getting the run around from a certain gate keeper at a hedge fund in long island that I want to work at. The gate keeper refuses to give me the name, email, or phone number of the recruiter that I will need to speak to in order to set up an interview. This fund usually seeks out it's own candidates, and does not take resume submissions. So I went on the Hoovers and manged to guess that name of the recruiter based off of the information provided about the company executives. I emailed the gate keeper from another email account and claimed to have lost the recruiters email, (provided the recruiters name and rank) and the gate keeper happily forwarded me all of the information I needed.
I have an interview set up next friday in Long Island.
Was this wrong?
- General Fuchia


  1. I don't think this was wrong. Posing as someone else to get the information you wanted is questionable, but in the end your applying as yourself.

    There is a bit of a gap in your explanation. All you had to do is contact the recruiter to get an interview? Did you drop the gatekeepers name when contacting the recruiter after you had received the information? That would be another questionable action....

    I have to give this an A for ingenuity, especially since it has a real world impact on your employment status.

  2. Never heard of Hoovers.com before. Love it!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Very nice! Even though this wasn't an assigned task, I will give you 5 points for this hack because you were so inventive. How did the interview go?
