Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Social Engineering Task #1

My task was shoulder surfing a fellow player, and then write a report for that player. I accomplished this task, and I don't think this task was easy when doing with strangers instead.
We were in class, so we both needed to log into our hacker identity gmails. I was sitting next to him, watching him typing his email password, and laughing at him, because he forgot his password (I forgot my password, too). He was trying to type in the password for 5-7 times. Then I remind him about capitalize the letters, and finally, he could log into his gmail. By watching all the time, I got his password, too. 
In the real life situation, it's hard to know who is watching at you while you are typing your password on your computers, or your phone at the crowded places like library, train stations. Someone would distract you by talking to you while you are typing your password, and then they could get your password without your knowledge. .
Be attention with surrounding while typing the important passwords, even your friends, classmates. In the way I think would be morally right that a person is watching you could remind you to cover the keyboard, or remind you to be attention with surrounding. In the other side, with your user name and password that they could steal from you, they can use it to guess your other user name and passwords with multiple purposes, such as banking online, social media sites, etc.

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