Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Social Engineering Task #1

My task was to have someone from class hand over their phone unlocked. After class ended I had a conversation with a student and the whole time I was thinking how can I accomplish this? I thought of tons of excuses but the simplest ended up being to exchange contacts for class.

The student walked away for a few min and I literally could of had access to anything on their phone for that time. If they had any private emails I could have read them. If their bank account information was on there I could have taken a picture with my own phone.

I could have had access to troll his social media accounts. I also could have even been malicious enough to have locked the student out of their phone. There is so much evil and headaches that I could have caused towards that student. But obviously I did not.

My after thoughts were that we do not realize ourselves sometimes how much information is actually stored on our phones. We rely on them religiously now and we should always have a password on our phones. We can never leave them laying around unlocked because someone may even have access to your bank information if you have  that app open.

Overall my task ended up being easier than I thought when I simplified my scheme and did not overthink it.

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