Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Social Engineering Task #1

My task was to get a dollar from someone. When our class was about to end , I approached to someone and said , "Excuse me,Can I ask you a question?" He said, "Sure". I was like, "Its a hypothetical question" and he said, "ok". I asked, "Hypothetically speaking, if you had a one dollar bill on you and I were to ask you for a dollar for no particular reason, would you give me a dollar?" he replied," mmmmm... sure... if you needed a dollar, I would give you one." Me, " ok, then.... will you give me a dollar?" and he was like, "for real bro". It was kind of weird conversation, but anyhow he gets a idea that it might be my task so he said,"I will give you dollar right now, first you need to switch your seat with me" I said , "ok sure" so he handed me a dollar first and then we switched seats. after switching he wanted to click a selfie with us, so we did. There was all the  weird stuff going on. But in a same time we both accomplish our tasks.

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