Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Social Engineering Task #1

In the social engineering assignment my task was to put the peace of paper which contains the information about the secret task into fellow player’s pocket, bag or jacket. It was not easy to do without getting his attention. When we got a social engineering task in the classroom I was lucky that I was sitting next to a person who placed his jacket on the chair where he sat on. But still It was hard to interrupt someone’s awareness specially when others know that I have to accomplish a secret task. So I wait for a couple of minutes because he was paying full attention to protect himself. But when he was busy in listening professor’s lecture I slowly moved and put the peace of paper in the pocket of his jacket. I accomplished my task without getting his attention. It was not good for me to do that but that was my task to complete. In that way we can put anything into someone’s pocket like mobile, electronic device, GPS device to harm, listen, reach or track people. I was surprised when I was thinking about such facts and it can happen with me too. In the end I would like to say that It is good for us to pay full attention to the surrounding and stay aware, so nobody can harm, reach or track you in that way.

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