Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Anonymous who are they and who can give the answers

Anonymous group of hackers and who they are? This question was not still answered yet. We can only imagine who is staying behind this group and how this group is big compared to other groups. this name anonymous was appeared first in the 4chan website and later on it was widely spread between hacker's communities. Anonymous mean to me something more than other groups who was launching attacks against FBI servers and NASA space servers. I have many reasons to say this statement because it is obviously the first group who was intended to fight against Scientology, for their beliefs and freedom of speech.


Scientology is the huge religious organization which is exempted from paying government taxes and who's leader was a Ron Hubbard. I had my own experience of having some influence from scientology and their recruiting people who are involved in this business. Ron's Hubbard books are cost a lot more than it should be, his influence changed many lives in a negative way. Everyone who has past negative stress or environment developed anagrams and in order for to rid off of these anagrams you have to be clear in a scientology way but this means your life will be completely different and you will not have your own choice to expand your life. I was meeting some person who was having a master's degree and was totally dependent and obedient to the church of Scientology. He could not take any other choices to change his life and he was totally happy to spend most of his time at the church of Scientology. I was seeing some people who was staying close to the wall and talking to themselves by phrasing weird words to me. I was shocked how people can be manipulated and changed and I left this of treating my negative anagrams to stop my stuttering. I am strongly agree that anyone should have freedom of his or her speech and should be able live without any brainwash mind as scientology does to people. I strongly agree to the statement that the Church of Scientology should not be exempted from paying taxes as a regular American does. I agree that Anonymous should show to the world and all media that no one will escape from their organization to fight for the freedom of speech and defend the freedom of people who are mistaken led by the scientology influence.


 Tom Cruise was the famous actor to me but not anymore longer because he is involved into scientology and I am not recognizing him  as my famous actor in his early movies. His last  marriage should be  his freedom of choice but it was selected by the Church of Scientology. It was not easy for these women to decline any offer because they will be punished and work in dirty hard jobs for the scientology. Tom Cruise speech was appeared on YouTube and later was taken out from YouTube with scientology hands. Anonymous is the group who believes that freedom is the Internet where they can do and express their ideas and no one can take our freedom from the Internet like it was done by a Scientology to take off video of Tom Cruise that was posted on the YouTube.

"The anonymous group released a video on the YouTube titled: "Message to Scientology" concerning their intentions to attack the Church of Scientology. A robotic voice on the video begins with "hello leaders of Scientology, We are Anonymous, " and continues by explaining their motivations: "Over the years we have been watching you, your campaigns of misinformation, your suppression of dissent and your litigious nature. All these things have caught our eye. With the leakage of your latest propaganda video into mainstream circulation the extent of your malign influence over those who have come to trust you as leaders has been made clear to us. Anonymous has therefore decided that your organization should be destroyed." (Wikipedia source)

This message on the YouTube was the first attempt of any way to stop the scientology influence and make it clear for the Church of Scientology that war be declared against them. many website of scientology were attacked and has been slowed down, they were brought to complete stop or even removed from the Internet. Due to this open challenge the Anonymous got more member to support them in this war from other countries. People stand up against Scientology with their demands to stop Scientology influence. The original members of Anonymous group and 4chan were amazed about how many other people support their ideas and demands and their power cannot be stopped even with Scientology hands including FBI. People will stand up for their beliefs and ideas no mater of what could be happened to them.

By describing some good things about Anonymous hactivist group I have to say some negative aspect of other member of Anonymous group called Lulz Security or commonly known as LulSec. This group was consist of highly profile hackers who managed to attacked the famous companies such Sony and CIA website. This group was pointed on dangerous consequences of the password reuse and how vulnerabilities can penetrate any secure website. The main leader of this organization was a very intelligent and super smart individual called Sabu. Sabu was coordinating all these attacks and managed their group members who will be involved into any particular attacks. This group was even attacked newspaper websites and Fox Broadcasting Company. This group was attacking any companies and website what could be hacked and exposed any confidential information. I strongly agree that this group is different from the Anonymous group and should be prosecuted for their wrongful activities

Lulsec group members hacked  HBGarry and it that was shown of how strong and dangerous hackers can be. This group released many confidential information of many innocent people and caused an aggravation of other hactivist groups by doing this. Other hackers groups promised to release all information regarding this group member on-line. This LulSec hacked also the database of X factor contestants containing information of 73000 contestants. The leader of this group somehow helped FBI to arrest his members on the March 2012. it is now obviously for me how this group was tracked down and how it was done but it is clear to me that the leader become a rat to his trusted members. Someone said that Sabu was the leader of anonymous group but there are no facts to prove this statement. Any hacker's organization as son or later can be tracked down by FBI with all means to achieve this arrests. it was done before when FBI tracked down the Kevin Mitnik but it is not enough to realize for other hackers that anyone can be prosecuted.

Luzsec did not appear to hack for financial profit, claiming their motivation was to have fun by causing mayhem. they did things "for the lulz" and focused on other possible comedic and entertainment value of attacking targets Everyone can have a fun but some fun that relieves someone confidential information of LinkedIn profiles and the names of 73000 X factor contestants cannot be called a fun anymore and must be prosecuted by all mean available. This was happened to LulzSec members and will happen to other hacking groups who is going to have such a fun. I strongly agree if you are hacking for the for the discovery of the security vulnerabilities in companies that is a different story but if you are exposing the confidential information and people's profiles of the Face book or a Twitter then you should understand all the consequences and legal obligations of submitting these wrongful actions. As soon or later every hacker who does these actions will be found guilty and prosecuted and I totally with this conclusion.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know where to start with this, as the ideas in this piece are far and wide and engulf many topics in many different directions. I will assume the focal point as being the hacker group Anonymous, mainly from the given title and pieces of the body. As noted, the group Anonymous has done many things, and has been met with mixed reception. On one hand, they have attempted to tackle a heinous and widespread problem in today's world called child pornography by shutting down an offending site and making information about its users public. On the other hand, they attack private servers, release confidential information, and do it with impunity, not bothering to realize whose life it may negatively impact and whether or not innocent bystanders may go down in the crossfire. Due to the controversy, this makes them excellent candidates to be gadflies. The question remains, do the ethics of what they do and their cause support this as well?

    In short, it does. Although they do employ controversial methods, and though there are some negative repercussions to what they do, a large part of the reason I would consider them gadflies is because of their intent. They have chosen to tackle prevalent, and deeply immoral problems, problems that have been neglected and in some ways, have not really been dealt with by law enforcement in an adequate manner, due to law enforcement either not having adequate resources to tackle the problem, or due to not having jurisdiction to deal with the problem in an adequate manner. The intent is noble, and though there may be innocent individuals caught in the crossfire, in my opinion, at the end of the day, the amount of good done by hindering the child pornographers and preventing the endangerment of children vastly outweighs the negatives.
