Saturday, March 16, 2013

Get Premier Cyan to buy me something week of 3/5 and Hack for week 3/12!

Get Premier Cyan to buy me something!
I received this mission 2 weeks ago and Cyan was not in class.
So I couldn't get him to buy me something.
Mission failed!

Get someone to give you their seat on the T!
I'm hoping to ride the T this st. patty's day weekend and "pretend"
to be too intoxicated to stand. Hopefully an empathetic passenger will
take mercy and lend me their seat.
I will attempt to get pictures. Wish me luck.


  1. I got someone to give me their seat on the T on wednesday. I'm going to try again this weekend and get some proof.

  2. No points for the failure, and if you can get some proof you will most definitely earn some points for your T hack.

  3. And you could use the points since you are in the negative from being foiled on your previous address hack.


    this is really muffled, just recorded it on my phone on the t.

    i got someone to trade seats with me just by asking politely.

    mission accomplished.
