Thursday, March 28, 2013

Find out what town a classmate lives in

This was one from last week:

Mr Orchid: East Boston (Mentioned on this blog)

Peon Pinkish: East Boston Somerville (Mentioned on this blog)

Hex Overflow: Malden (From a discussion in class)


The Capn

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Social Engineering Game Task : Create a Fake Facebook Profile

I almost to forget to post my social engineering game task.
I think I have enough friend in my friend list.
This is my fake Facebook profile.

Labs for Chapter 7

Programming in C

This week's conversation topic

Please read this article about Anonymous' takedown of a darknet child pornography site.

Then, we'll discuss it a bit in class today.

Then, read these excerpts from Warren and Brandeis' article on the Right to Privacy (1890) and consider: is privacy a right, like life or liberty?  Do you agree with Warren and Brandeis?  To what extent did the users of Lolita City renounce their right to privacy?

Then, as usual, please post at least TWO comments to this blog.  The first comment should be posted by Saturday night at 11:59 PM, the second by Monday night at 11:59 PM.


Here is the current Leaderboard.  I will update this again next week.  For those leading, congrats!  And those that are participating but not having much success, keep up the good work.  For those who haven't participated you are currently earning an F for this game which I will remind you is worth 20% of your grade.

Also, don't forget to comment on your fellow players hacks.  You will earn a better grade in this 20% if you are fully engaged in the game.

Reminder: Social Engineering Game Rules

Please review the rules, as I am about to put up our first official Leaderboard!
Social Engineering Capture the Points Game

myvlab 12 task 2 - Has anyone had success?

MSEC lab 12, Task 2.

Anyone complete this?

I still have yet to have success in completing this lab. The nessus scan just goes on for a long time.

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Monday, March 25, 2013

Back Track DVD HELP

My Back Track DVD is severly scratched and rarely works. Does anyone have an extra that I could borrow? This makes it tough to do the assignments.

How do you get to work?

My Hack this past week was to find out how Capt. Crunch got to work.
I pretended to not know my way around town (which I really don't) and asked how long it took him to get to town.  He was nice enough to tell me he drove and that it took him around 25 minutes to get to BH. This was because class takes place during minimal traffic hours.
This did not require very much social engineering, but more so relied on the kindness of others. Which can be a hit or a miss, especially in Boston.

mission of the week

my was to get the name of a class mate or a friends pet name .
which i already know.

My friends dog's name is Theo

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Get Premier Cyan to buy me something week of 3/5 and Hack for week 3/12!

Get Premier Cyan to buy me something!
I received this mission 2 weeks ago and Cyan was not in class.
So I couldn't get him to buy me something.
Mission failed!

Get someone to give you their seat on the T!
I'm hoping to ride the T this st. patty's day weekend and "pretend"
to be too intoxicated to stand. Hopefully an empathetic passenger will
take mercy and lend me their seat.
I will attempt to get pictures. Wish me luck.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

The Class After Spring Break

If as many of you as possible could come to class at 2:00 after spring break (I promise to end class early to compensate you) I would really appreciate if we could start a bit early that day! 


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

This is "Ryan" from the previous post.

[deleted for confidentiality]

Get this Piece of paper (the one given in class containing the hack of the week) into Ryan's ( I guess the name should be Cyan)'s pocket.

This was an easy do. During class, when he was pretty much attentive listening to the lecture, i was busy sneaking the piece of material into his coat pocket.
Man, you should be my neighbor for life.  As of now, I am more conscious than ever before about any one and every one, and what they are doing around me.
I believe that his name is Cyan and not Ryan.

Equality for all?

First, read Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegut.
This question has two parts.  First, Harrison Bergeron was written in 1961.  What could technology do today, fifty years later, to make everyone "equal" as they are in the story?  What avenues are available?  What about the virtual everyone equal online?
Second, is equality necessarily a good  thing?  How do we discern between "good" equality and the dystopian forced equality of Harrison Bergeron?

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Hacking For the Civic Good

The South by South West Festival (SXSW) is going on down in Texas, and the festival offered an interesting panel relating to civil engagement this year. I thought this was an interesting read because of how the term "hacker" is used and because we've never looked at the flip side of the definition; using data and know how for the public good.
“A lot of people are really happy calling themselves civic hackers and self-defining that way, and saying, 'Yeah, I'm hacking, I'm coding, I'm taking data and trying to make it useful and using it in new ways,''


Monday, March 4, 2013

Find Out Mr. Orchid's Data Of Birth

I had high hopes for this hack because I already had some basic information. My plan was to use that info to search on-line, and even shell out a couple of bucks if need be. There are a multitude of places you can get personal information on the web these days, and I planned on going that route. Once I gathered enough info, I could use it to gain the bit of information in the title of this post. What I already knew:
  • He's originally from Jersey
  • He lives in East Boston
  • His license plate # (just happened to see in parking lot)
  • His first, last, and middle initial from his BHCC E-mail.
Using the plate #, I ran a registration inquiry at the RMV website, but there wasn't much helpful information in there. The plate information didn't up helping my cause at all. Maybe the VIN would have helped more.....

In the end, none of the other bits of information that I had helped me either. All of the people searches that I used turned up people MUCH older or lots of results without middle names. Short of calling every person, I didn't have an effective way to narrow the field. Facebook was also a huge let down as a source of information! I even employed my step daughter who is a crack data miner, and both of us combed through hundred's of Mr Orchids to no avail. Unless Mr. Orchid changed his ethnicity and recently lost 100 pounds, I couldn't find him.

So another week, another failure, but I'm going to get one soon!
