Monday, January 26, 2015

"To live outside the law you must be honest." -Bob Dylan

In my perspective I think this quote is basically saying being bad with good intentions. Breaking the law for what you think is righteous. For example, illegal immigrants; by law they do not have the legal right to stay in the United States, but for as long as they’re honest and don’t do any harm or anything to get themselves caught then they can stay in the United States for as long as they please. Yes they are living outside the law but they chose to stay for a better life and for the most part, good intentions like illegally working to support their family/families. Hacking itself is technically illegal but as far as ethical hacking goes, I believe this quote means the same, hack for as long as you have honest intentions. Many hactivists usually attack companies that they believe is scheming them or their community. For example, the Sony hack was believed to be by the North Korean government because Sony produced the movie, The Interview. (In that movie, a TV host was going on a mission to interview North Korea's president and poisoning him.)

Personally, I think it is possible to be both honest and live outside the law. Not everyone has the same perspective with the laws and they’re inner feeling for honesty. For example, many hactivists honestly believe that online resources should be free and available to everyone, but of course there are many laws and privacy policies that withhold that.

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