Monday, January 26, 2015

"To live outside the law you must be honest."

"To live outside the law you must be honest." I think that it means; if you are honest and you stand for what you believe in, you will have to potentially break the Law at some point, especially when we think about what is fair and what is unfair and all what is happening in our society and around the world at this moment, an example will be if you were a high school student and were physically by another student, the law of the school will dictate you to report him to a staff member instead of attacking back, if you do attack your aggressor then both of you will be guilty and suspended. while others will think that you have to have the right to protect your self in this case. 
Bob Dylan quote applies to ethical hackers too, the group Anonymous wanted to stand up for what they believed in which in this case defending Wikileaks. They did something that is illegal but for a purpose that is in their minds ethical, they punish Paypal for blocking the donations going to Wikileaks by carrying a DDOS attack against Paypal's web site.

Is it possible to both be honest and live outside the law? I think that is the case of some members of the group anonymous, the were honest by standing for what they believe in, for them that was the right thing to do but from the law perspective it was illegal. To expand more in this idea I think that the response of this question will depend on if you agree with the law or not. My guess will be you will agree with some laws but not with all of them. Also we have to define what we mean by honest, honest with yourself or honest as a good citizen, because the expectation or the definition of a good citizen is a person that will never break the law no matter what.

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