Friday, May 6, 2016

Ethics assignment 3

HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act)/ HIPAA is healthcare law and rights created to provide privacy and protection under the care of a medical facility, MD personal, health insurance, and medical documents geared towards anything to do with patients’ rights

The pharmaceutical industry has moved very far from its original high purpose of discovering and producing useful new drugs. This industry uses its wealth and power to co-opt every institution that might stand in its way, including the US Congress, the FDA, academic medical centers, and the medical profession itself. We as US citizens are subjected to a barricade of advertising provided by the pharmaceutical industry to featuring beautiful people enjoying themselves in the great outdoors, extracurricular activity, or any great period in life where can be enjoying life. This country was built on a free enterprise system which is a good place to be with the beneficiaries this nation offers those who are optimistic. The cost of prescription are high with the prices rising daily and it’s to the point you have to have a coverage plan in order to help with the cost of these drugs. Around $200 billion a year is spent on prescription drugs which has increased by people are taking a lot more drugs than they used to; the spending reflects expensive new ones instead of older and cheaper ones. How does this topic reflect everyone who takes a breath of air in America? About 70% of the adult population takes at least one pharmaceutical drug and I’m sure the minor uncensored percentage is not too far behind. What is acceptable is that no matter how much we debate on these high price drugs we count on them to help with the longevity of the life cycle.
How does HIPPAA clarify pharmaceutical company’s price gauging? because they have an estimate on how many sick Americans are in need of specific medications which allows them control over how to dispense the medication. Which then provides healthcare coverage to monitor what drugs are dispensed to its consumer whether a trademark or generic form and with the notion health insurance can also control if the treatment is necessary for their consumer identified by medical staff on their payroll. We now live in a nation to where everyone has healthcare and even that has its pros and cons. I agree that everyone should have promising access to healthcare but then at what cost and to who, the consumer, government or tax payer. Since the regulations for prescription medication and healthcare are so discombobulated its feels good just to know that you are able to schedule a healthcare appointment and be given the necessity of drugs that your are entitled to as a patient.

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